Windows Phone in Brno


There are some great places to wander round here, and some superb pavement cafes.

Today we spent the morning wandering round Brno and then in the afternoon I went out to give a couple of Windows Phone talks.


As usual I took a picture of the folks who turned up, there is another on Flickr which shows the rest of the room. The talk was great, really good audience. You can find slide decks and demo programs for the two sessions here. The sessions you want are the Introduction to Silverlight (02) and  Introduction to XNA (11). The decks are part of the Windows Phone Jumpstart series, you can find decks on lots of other interesting Windows Phone topics as well.  In a little while there will be some videos as well.

After the talk we went out for a drink and then headed for a walk around Brno by night.


Enjoying a drink..


The bar had these really cool speakers


These folks were really (and I mean really) good.


Brno station by night.

Thanks for doing such a great job of guiding us around folks, it was a really splendid evening.