

Pomodoro timer

Want to set aside some time for a task? Want to hear my dulcet tones announcing how much time you have left? Build my Pomodoro Timer.

PICO MIDI Cheesebox

Make music of sorts using a 12 button keyboard and a three track sequencer. Sends MIDI to anything that makes a sound.

Trombone Controller

Lets you play any mouse controlled trombone game with a real trombone action and laser led accuracy.

Bluetooth Light Control

Remote control a camera light. Any amount of red, blue or green. And you don’t need to use a milkshake box.

Talking Telephone

Dial a number and it might call you back with a spooky message. Or you can control it over the web. Pi powered

Connected Little Boxes

Little boxes you can control to make them do wonderful things. Now with added backend server.

Chord keyboard

Learn to type using chords and light-up keys. Works as a keyboard and also includes chord training and even a game.

Crackers Controller

Acts as a 16 channel MIDI controller. Press an encoder to select the four channels to send on, and then spin the knobs to select the settings you want.

3D Printed Camera

Print your own large format film camera with amazing image quality and loads of presence.

Agile Octopus Display

View the live price of your electricity on the Octopus Agile tariff. E-ink and LCD versions.

The Exchange

A Large Language Model running on a Pi 5. You can call it from the red phone and ask it questions.

Tag Jousts

3D print a game of cunning, strategy and bluff. Then have all your friends beat you at it.

Printing Camera

Stand in front of the camera and it notices you. Press the button, strike a pose and it sends a picture to a nearby 3D printer. Great fun at parties. Like me.

Chocolate Synthbox

Another food themed music product. This time a complete synthesizer with speakers and a light display synchronised to the music playback

Camera Light

A camera light you can control from your phone via a browser. It sounds like magic but actually it uses a PICO.

Hull Pixelbot

A tiny robot designed in Hull that you can program in Python-Ish. Arduino, ESP32 and PICO versions.

Light Leak Polaroid Camera

Take an old Polaroid camera and make it much more interesting by adding coloured lights.

RFID Drinks Manager

Keep a check on your generosity using RFID tags to track how many of your chums have had their free drink.