Campus and Castle


The Department of Graphics and Multimedia has a really nice courtyard. And you could play croquet on that lawn on the left…

Adam was kind enough to show us round his department (Computer Graphics and Multimedia) in Brno University of Technology this morning. It is s a great department, based in new and restored surroundings. It was interesting to hear about another department in a different country, and find out that many of the issues that they are addressing are also the ones we worry about at Hull too.


Another one bites the dust….

After that we went up town to Brno for lunch and then on to to Špilberk Castle. On the way we passed this amazing sign:

Door Notice

We’ve no idea what made them put the one in the middle on the lower row, and frankly, we don’t want to know…..

The castle was great, and if you go to the top you can get some great views of the city.
