Antique Dealer

I’m surprised it is not more dusty. After all, it is an antique.

What do you do if you want to own a genuine antique? You buy and Apple product and wait six years. Apple have just announced that the original Apple Homepod (released in 2018) now has “antique” status as far as they are concerned. This not not much of an honour for the poor thing though. It means that it is no longer deemed repairable and probably won’t get software updates. I’m used to devices going out of date, but this seems a bit much. I’ve got batteries older than that which are still working.

...and so to Staithes

Never been to Staithes before. Which is as good a reason as any to go. So we did. It’s lovely.

A view of the village

Adventures in wide angles

Incoming tide

The Cod and Lobster is a great place to eat

Lots of lovely details

Pity about the yellow lines…

If you get the chance, you should go. There’s a lovely little museum that gives you a great background to the area and lots of places for good food and drink.

Back to blogging

I’ve no idea if it works or not. But with these looks it doesn’t nave to…..

They say that the perfect is the enemy of the good. This causes me no end of problems. As an example, consider this blog. A perfect blog would have an entry every day with interweaving narratives which are sprinkled with humorous bon-mots and apposite pictures. But over the last few weeks I’ve not had the time to make a perfect blog. And every time I’ve considered writing a post I’ve thought about the effort needed to make my blog perfect, groaned inwardly (and sometimes outwardly) and gone off and done something else instead.

So I’m going to settle for good enough. When I get a bit of spare time I’ll go back and fill in the gaps and make everything my idea of perfect, but I’ll also stop stressing about having everything present and correct before adding the next post. Over the next week or so I’ll be filling in gaps and making things as perfect as I think I need. And I’ll be blogging when I get time.

As for today: I spent a bit of the morning helping to get rid of some iron railings and to celebrate the success I bought a movie camera for less than the price of a video game….

Humber Marathon in sunshine shock

We went along to the Humber Marathon today. The middle of Hull was awesome busy and the weather was properly splendid. I think it was perfect running weather, bright and crisp. But then again, I’m not a runner so what do I know.

Anyhoo, we watched them all start off, had a coffee and a wander round and then watched everyone finished. I did take a bunch of pictures, but I wasn’t using my own camera, so I don’t have any to post I’m afraid.

Big Car Rob

I took my little car into the dealers for its MOT test yesterday. This is an annual British ritual where you find out just how dangerous that thing is you’ve been driving around in all year. My car passed (which is nice) although it did need two new tyres. They gave me a loaner car to play with which was huge (and according to the form I signed worth about 60,000 pounds). This was deeply scary but also great fun. I’m almost looking forward to the test next year…

Typewriters for kids

Now, where is P?

Bought a typewriter yesterday for number one granddaughter. It was in a charity shop calling for me. After I’d walked past it twice I decided that it was actually for me. Kind of nostalgic. Just like the one I used when I was a student nearly fifty years ago. And of course it still works. Number one granddaughter was fascinated. The idea that you can directly make marks on paper with something mechanical was quite new to her. Within a few minutes she was happily bashing out letters and learning that there is no delete key……..

Great fun.

Dead Mouse

I don’t think it was my mending that broke it

My mouse has broken. I’ve had it ages. It’s a Microsoft Sculpt Comfort mouse and I really like it. Everything works but the scroll wheel. This has happened before so I took it apart and cleaned it. And it is still broken. This is a big thing. I’ve had it for ages. It came with a keyboard/mouse pack from which the keyboard has long gone. I’m now making do with a flat mouse and looking at horribly expensive “new-old” stock.

Pro tip. If you find a keyboard or a mouse that you really like you should buy a couple of them and pop one away for the future….

Speaker Wisdom at DDD North

This picture has nothing to do with the subject of this post. I just like how it came out.

One of the best bits of DDD yesterday was getting together with some students to talk about plans for the future. Boss had organised a bunch of speakers to have a word with a bunch of students. For me it was great to hear folks echoing what I used to tell students all those years ago. All of the speakers had great stories and I chipped in occasionally too. But I think all the advice can really be summed up very simply:

Do stuff and tell people about it.

People who might fancy hiring you will expect you to have completed your studies successfully. But if the only “war stories” that you have to tell are about your assessments you will find yourself at a disadvantage. You need to have other things you have made, done or failed at to talk about. And they don’t necessarily have to be in software. You should form a policy of finding things to do and ways in which you can use them to your advantage. If you take care of that you might find that your future will take care of itself.

Recommended Toothbrush

It comes with a snazzy case as well

It has to be said that I don’t usually put toothbrush recommendations in this blog. But yesterday m dental hygienist insisted that I get a new toothbrush and even wrote down the make and model. It arrived this morning and I must admit it is rather good. It lights up when I press too hard and even tells me how much time to spend on each quadrant of my mouth (before today I didn’t even know that my mouth had quadrants).