Beverley Minster on film
/One of my many new years resolutions is to take at least one film photograph a day. Today I took a bunch in Beverley Minster. I’m pleased with the results, although I need to work on holding the camera straight.
Rob Miles on the web. Also available in Real Life (tm)
One of my many new years resolutions is to take at least one film photograph a day. Today I took a bunch in Beverley Minster. I’m pleased with the results, although I need to work on holding the camera straight.
I went out this afternoon to post a letter and never really got there because the sky was so impressive and I kept taking photos.
I think you should know that getting this picture without the lights flickering was quite tricky.
Took the big camera onto campus earlier this week. I’d paired it with a Contax lens and I’m really pleased with the results. The university campus really does look good at this time of year.
You can find larger versions of these, plus a few more, on my Flicker stream
Went to York today. Did part of the trip on the bus. Above is what the Rabbit thought of the scene.
I’d also taken the Instax Evo, which is a hybrid instant camera which takes digital pictures which it can then print. The camera has film filters you can apply to make things interesting. Today I’m using “Light leak” and “vivid”.
It’s not a great camera, but it does make great pictures. Particularly if someone is kind enough to scare the pigeons just before you take your shot.
Worth a visit.
I took this with the Fujica Half I bought a while back. I’m really quite pleased with it. We’d were walking down by the bridge foreshore and I thought the rider and the bike made for a good shot.
At the same time as I was taking a tiny Pentax camera around I was also carrying my great big Pentax 6x7 camera about and shooting a few proper colour pictures.
I’m very happy with the pictures, although I need to work on holding the camera horizontally.
Took the Mamiya Press Super 23 camera to Sewerby Hall today. It’s a bit of a pain to cart round, and I lost three frames due to a not using it properly (in case you were wondering, two to not taking the dark slide out and one to not extending the lens for the picture). However, I’m not unhappy with the remaining shots.
Went to York today. The weather was lovely (for a change) and the loveliness lasted all day (for a bigger change). On a whim we booked a couple of tickets for The National Railway Museum. You don’t need to pay to get in, but you do need to book. The museum is one of my favourite places in the world, and fortunately I had a camera and a couple of lenses with me.
The place was busy, but it is also huge, so that the crowd was swallowed up. They have a kind of storeroom off to one side full of amazing stuff. One of the exhibition halls is closed at the moment, but we had plenty to look at. And I’m definitely going back there first chance I get.
Went for a walk to the Lamp Room cafe today. If you are ever at Cottingham station I can strongly recommend it.
We’ve got all kinds of activities and stuff planned for the next few weeks and we know that Rodney would have wanted us to keep going. So we are doing, starting with a trip to Leeds today. As is the way, I bought a new lens (although it wasn’t that expensive - honest). This one is an F 3.5 35-105mm zoom lens for my Pentax A which I’m presently using to take colour photos. Turns out it works a treat, as the picture above shows.
I took this picture with my little Canon Dial 35 half frame camera. I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.
You can even see me in this picture if you look carefully enough….
Up town today to take some pictures at a local “May the Fourth” Star Wars event. It was great fun. Lots of bits and bobs for sale and loads of people in character. I was using Ilford HP5 film which is fast and gives a really nice grainy effect.
You talking to me?
Local Blossom
Took a colour film in to be processed today. I like doing this. It is a bit pricy I suppose, but it is my hobby, so there. And apparently you can spend an awful lot of money on golf clubs (not to mention course fees) - so there’s that. Anyhoo, they came out pretty well.
Just some trees
Hull University Wilberforce building artwork
University library looking good in the rain
These pictures are from scans that I got when the film was processed. I think they look pretty good, although the physical prints look even nicer. They aren’t particularly high resolution but I’ve found it pretty much impossible to make better ones with my own scanner.
The camera takes half frames across the film
My latest new (to me) camera arrived today. It’s my third Canon Dial 35. An it looks like third time really is a charm. The camera works quite well, although the clockwork winder does chug a little bit after a few frames. The light meter works perfectly for me - I just gave the terminals a bit of clean and off it went. The pictures are lovely and sharp.
The pictures are half the size of standard 35mm ones but this does mean I’ll get twice as many shots on each film.
And now I have to find a new obsession.
This is becomming my test shot for new cameras…
I put a film into “Mr Sticky Shutter” today and took him to the University. He is one of my 20 cameras and he shows quite a bit of promise. His shutter is a bit sticky, but only at the slower speeds that I hardly ever use. But the good news is that he looks excellent and everything else, including the light meter, works fine. And, as you can see above, the lens is very sharp
Brickwork is very good for testing the detail that a lens can resolve
Not bad for a sixty year old camera
We spent the day in Scarborough. And the weather was kind to us. Of course I had a camera with me.
I went to the Photography Show last Saturday. I took a film camera, as you do, and I’ve just got the pictures processed.
Dial telephones are cool again!
Not something you see every day.
I was in Hull University today so I popped a film in my latest camera and took a bunch of pictures. The light was very good and I’m really happy with the results.
A very attentive robot in the lab
The all important emergency stop switch
Campus looking good
Applied Science
Rob Miles is technology author and educator who spent many years as a lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Hull. He is also a Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP. He is into technology, teaching and photography. He is the author of the World Famous C# Yellow Book and almost as handsome as he thinks he is.
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