Photography and Video Show 2025
/I went to the Photography and Video show last year and bought a camera. This year I didn’t buy a camera, but I did buy a lens or two (or three) along with some film. It was a great trip, although getting up at 5:00 am to catch the 6:02 am train wasn’t really one of the highlights. Kudos to Hull Trains though. I got from the local station to London and back without changing trains. The trains were comfortable and speedy and I got there in enough time to join the queue waiting for the show to open at 10:00 am.
No second hand camera purchases this time. Perhaps I’m growing up a bit. Perhaps I’ve bought them all already. Anyhoo, there were lots of interesting stands and a whole bunch of tempting offers.
They have these little tableau set up for you to photograph. I think the lady is saying “You’ve forgotten you guitar again haven’t you”. They even had a Lego camera.
The next show is in Birmingham in 2026. I’m already counting down to it.