Bye Bye Octopus Agile

Only a little while after I updated the Agile Octopus Display we find ourselves leaving the Agile Octopus tariff. At the start it worked well and we were able to work around the expensive parts of the day and make good use of free (or sometimes even paid to use) electricity. But we did notice that when the weather was calm and cold the price of power got unpleasantly expensive all day. Above you can see the occasion a few weeks ago when we decided to quit. For reference I think the price of power should be in the twenties.

We did the sums and concluded that we would need an awful lot of free/cheap power to compensate for these high peak prices. So for now we are on a tariff which gets cheaper overnight and we’ll be working round that.

Agile Octopus Display Updates

When the price is negative it means you are being paid to use electricity

New Year, new you. Newly broken Agile Octopus Display. We’ve been on the Octopus Agile Tariff for a while now. The price of our electricity changes every half hour. If we plan our power use a bit we can save money. Every now and then, when the weather is warm and windy, we can even get paid for using electricity, as you can see above. We’re not saving a huge amount of money (although sometimes we get to drive the car for free) but we are having fun.

To make managing our power use a bit easier I made a little display that lives in the kitchen. It gives you the current price and future price trend for the day. It’s been working fine for ages but in the new year it broke. I assumed it was something in my code (it usually is) but this time the fault is down to Octopus re-arranging their tariffs and changing the web address of the service that dishes out the price values.

I’ve made a new version of the tariff display code which uses the updated links. I’ve also taken the opportunity to tidy a few things up. You can find out more about it here.

Warm windy days are my friend

I’m on the Agile Octopus electricity tariff, which means that the price of my electricity changes every half hour depending on the cost of electricity generation. The cost is predicted each day and so I can plan when to do things like charge up the car, bake a cake or smelt some aluminium.

I love it when the weather is warm and windy. This means that demand is low and the wind generators are busy. For the last few days the cost of power has been very low (everyone being on holiday probably helps too), with more than a few occasions when the price went negative and I was being paid to consume electricity. I didn’t actually get up at three am to get paid to charge the car, but I was very tempted.

Agile Octopus Tariff Display in HackSpace magazine

I get my copies of the magazine from Readly

If you’re wondering what that distant rumbling noise is, it might be crowds of people rushing to the newsagents to buy their copy of HackSpace magazine so that they can read my article in it.

Or it might be a bus going past.

Anyhoo, the article is out there. You can find the project on GitHub here.

Device Configuration using Web Pages

You need to use Edge or Chrome

I’ve had a lot of fun making the Agile Octopus Tariff display. It works a treat. The device is powered by a Raspberry Pi PICO-W which connects to your Wi-Fi and grabs the tariff information from the Octopus server. However, the display needs to be configured with Wi-Fi settings and the web address of the tariff information. You can do this by editing the MicroPython code in the device, but I wanted something easier. I wanted you to be able to take a display and configure it anywhere. So I’ve built a web page which connects your browser to the device over a serial connection. The display sends a little chunk of JSON to the webpage which builds a web page which will accept the configuration data. You make your changes, hit “Submit” and the values are all sent back to the display.

You can find the page here. The GitHub page with the source code for the project is here.

Playing with e-ink

This is a very good price for electricity..

I’m making a little device that shows the prices of the Agile Octopus Tariff. I’ve got it working on an LCD panel and today I thought I’d get it going on an e-ink device. The one I’m using is made by Pimoroni. You plug your PICO or PICO-W into the back, load up their code and off it goes. I’m really impressed by the quality of the display, although it can take quite a while to update.

The display above shows the current price per kilowatt/hour and a little histogram showing how the price will change for the remainder of the day. It turns out that the important thing with e-ink displays is to minimise the number of redraws that you do. I’ve made a little set of display items which manage their particular elements and only redraw when their contents change. All the code will be upon GitHub once I’ve made it work.

Agile Octopus Histograms

This is a very nice lcd panel

I spent some time today working on my Agile Octopus price display. Agile Octopus is an electricity tariff where you get a different price every half-hour during the day. A while back I made a device that would get the current price and display it, but now I’ve added a little histogram that displays upcoming prices for the rest of the day. The picture above was taken at 7:14 pm. The solid lines in the histogram are the hours and the dotted lines the half hour prices. On the right you can see the minimum and maximum prices. It looks like the prices will be going down over the evening. We’ve found this quite useful when deciding when to put the washing on or bake a cake. The display is powered by a Raspberry Pi PICO-W driving a rather nice LCD panel from Pimoroni.

It’s actually rather pleasing to make something that folks actually find useful and might even save us money.

Agile Octopus for tariff fun and games

I think we’ll have salad for tea

I’ve just added another monkey to my back. I’ve signed up for Agile Octopus. This is an energy pricing scheme that uses green energy which can change in price depending on the weather. I now really like the idea of strong winds...

The tariffs are set on a half hourly basis and you get them the day before. I’m keen to have a go with it because it would be nice to get paid for charging the car (if there is a lot more power than demand you can actually get prices to go negative). If I had a battery in the house and/or solar power it would be even more interesting.

We’ve been on it for a couple of days and it is quite fun. I’m not sure if we’ll be on it for ever, we’ll have to see what effect it has on the bills.