Three Thing Game November 2014
/We had over 150 students involved with Three Thing Game this time. Lots of First Year students, who only arrived a few weeks ago, signed up, got their "things" and are now here to spend 24 hours writing games.
We started the event with a fantastic presentation from Dean and Dominique about MonoGame. A few things of note from the session:
- A really good way to make a name for yourself (and get jobs etc etc) is to get involved with the Open Source projects.
- You should publish what you make. The first one probably won't be an overnight success. But the fifth one might be.
- MonoGame is all grown up, with versions for pretty much every platform including the PS4 (and I reckon the Xbox One won't be far behind)
- The new Content Management stuff is awesome
Of course we had pizza. Five hundred pounds worth of pizza.
Lee and Simon building a "pizza fort".
I think we managed to feed everyone OK. The lass on the phone at Domino's listened with increasing incredulity as the order built up, and they had to send out two pizza packed cars to deliver it. Thanks so much to Lee from Microsoft for sponsoring all the cheesy goodness.
The finals will place on Saturday 1st of November.