Hello Octopus

Today I received a letter from British Gas saying that they had been unable to fit a Smart Meter because they couldn’t get access to my meter.


As the person who spent two hours clearing a path through the garage I know this is not the case. Also, the engineer told me that the reason I couldn’t have a Smart Meter was that my electricity meter was a SMET 1 smart meter. He was supposed to be sorting out an upgrade of my electricity meter but it turns out that E.ON don’t do upgrades. So I’m stuck.

I’ve come to the decision that neither of these companies deserve my business any more. So I’ve switched to Octopus for gas and leccy. The switch was suspiciously easy. Just one email and a web form to set up the bank details. I know that my readers live for my posts about gas meters, so I’ll be sure to bring you updates as to how it all turns out.