Drawing Dustbin Lids with ChatGPT

I was talking to some students last week about the interview process for the marking of their project. I said that they would do fine, as long as they didn’t use the “dustbin lid defence”. I used this when I was at school. If you were being approached by the class bully (every class had one) a good trick was to point over their head and shout “dustbin lids!” as loud as you could. Then, while they were scanning the sky for lids you made good your escape. It only worked once per bully, which was a bit of a limitation, but it was on occasion very useful. It doesn’t work in assessment interviews though.

Anyhoo, I thought it might make a good blog post but it needed a picture so I asked ChatGPT to draw some dustbin lids in the sky in the style of a 1950’s UFO sighting. Turns out that ChatGPT doesn’t know what a dustbin lid is. I got lots of floating dustbins. So I uploaded a picture of a dustbin lid for reference and now ChatGPT engaged in a debate with itself as it made the pictures:

It was really interesting to watch it at work. One AI process trying to get another process to do what it wants. I’m quite happy with the final result although there is a bit of a kerfuffle with the telegraph lines in the right hand edge. It was great fun, although I do worry about just how much electricity I used up just playing with pictures.

Update: After my search for dustbin lids to get an image of a lid the internet is now convinced I need a new dustbin and keeps showing me pictures of them wherever I go. But how would I throw away the old one?