150 RFID Cards...

I seem to have bought 150 RFID cards. As you do. I’ve been playing with RFID tag stuff for over ten years. The cards I’ve bought aren’t particularly special, but I think they have some internal storage too, which makes them even more interesting. And I do have plans for them. I don’t just spend 25 quid on a whim you know….

First plan is to give one to everyone who comes to the Hull Computer Science 50th Anniversary Celebration in October. I’m going to scatter a few readers around the place and use them to manage the free drinks. We also might have a go at some kind of RFID based Ultimate Werewolf thing.

Second plan is to fit a bunch to the bottom of the HullPixelbot robot arena so that I can fit readers to the robots and they can navigate by reading cards at different positions.

Hmmm. Having thought about it, perhaps I should buy some more…