Chunking your ESP32 Web responses
/Note that this is not actually how computer memory works
Great title for a blog post eh? One of the wonderful things about modern embedded devices is that they can host web sites. You can use your phone to browse content served by a device that cost less than a pint of beer. Although some people prefer to buy the beer.
Anyhoo, I’ve been making devices that host web pages as part of the configuration process for my Connected Little Boxes. You turn the device on, scan a QR code with your phone which connects to a WiFi hotspot served by the device and then scan another QR code to get to a configuration page so that you can enter your local WiFi credentials and generally set the device up. This is how lots of connected devices work, and I wanted to make my own system for doing this. And I ran into problems with memory. Not forgetting what I’m supposed to be doing (ho ho) that happens all the time. More like the way that once I’ve got everything running on my little ESP device I’ve got hardly any memory left for large things (comparatively) like web pages.
Now, one way to serve out a web page is to put the page content into a string and then send that string out. This works, but you need enough memory to hold the entire string. Which it turned out I didn’t have. So a better way is to send the page a chunk at a time. The ESP8266 web server has a way of doing this:
server->chunkedResponseModeStart(200, F("text/html"));
The first statement tells the server I’m sending a bunch of chunks. The second statement sends a chunk of text from the settingBuffer string. You can send as many chunks as you like. The third statement ends the chunking. Very useful, particularly when you discover that you can send out chunks of text that are stored in program memory rather than ram.
So I got all this working and then I wanted to move the code to the ESP32 device. This chip is a bit more expensive than the ESP8266 but it is a lot more powerful. And it doesn’t do chunking. Wah!. Fortunately I found this wonderful post which told me how to extend the ESP32 web server to make chunked responses work in the same way as the ESP8266. It will be part of the latest version of the Connected Little Boxes embedded code (tentatively titled HULLOS-X) soon.