MOT time
/The cube in shinier times
Here in the UK we have this thing called the MOT (Ministry of Transport) test which we do to cars every year. Back in the day I used to take my old Mini for an MOT every Christmas and then spend a chunk of the festive season putting right all the things that had been found to be wrong with it. Particular highlights include replacing a leaking petrol tank with another leaking petrol tank, swapping a brake master cylinder with a clutch master cylinder and making a car with around a half an inch of brake pedal travel, taking the entire rear suspension to pieces and hefting it from dealer to dealer in two carrier bags until I found someone who could drill out the radius arms and fun with petrol blowlamps when we set fire to the grease in a kingpin and then broke the “special tool” that was supposed to take it apart. Then there was the time I painted the car, a good portion of the garage and probably my lungs a racy shade of “Daytona Yellow”. Happy days.
Anyhoo, the Cube passed with only a few advisories, which means that we are good for another year of square motoring.