Playing with analogue film

The Canon EOS 650 is a landmark camera. It launched the Canon EOS (Electro-Optical System) lens fitting which persists to this day. I acquired one by accident when I bought a second-hand Canon outfit a while back. I really wanted the lenses, which worked on my newly acquired Canon digital SLR.

What with analogue film being currently trendy I thought I’d take the camera out and put it through its paces. The auto focus is as snappy as any modern camera and the exposure seems sensible. Everything works fine, including the automatic wind and rewind. I find it amazing that this camera works so well, bearing in mind it is well over 30 years old. You can pick up a camera like this for around 20 quid on ebay. Kits with lenses start at around twice that. If you want to get into film photography this seems a very nice place to start.

Of course, I don’t really know how well the camera works just yet. I’ve got to get the film developed…