Print over Bluetooth using an ESP-32
/Not bad for around twenty pounds
The thermal printer I ordered a while back has arrived. I’ve been playing around with it. What I want to do is control the printer over Bluetooth from an ESP-32 device. Then I can see about getting an ESP-32 with a camera and getting pictures off that and into the printer. First thing I did was fire up BLE Scanner for the iphone and take a look at the services provided by the device. I used this to send some ASCII codes to services I thought might work (you can do this with the program - it’s great fun) and managed to get the printer to print out “hello”. Which was nice.
Then I went to the source code for my Furby Bluetooth connection program and modified it to use the services that the printer supports and managed to make that print “hello” too.
Then, as I was rolling up my sleeves to start building the printer control software it dawned on me that someone else might have done this before. And someone has. He’s called Larry Bank and you can find his splendid library here. I had to make one tiny change to his code. My printer has the name “MPT-II”, which was not on the list of the printers supported by the driver. I fixed this (in a way that I’m not particularly proud of) by editing the file Thermal_Printer.cpp in the src folder for the library installation and changing the first printer name in the list to MP-II. It was on line 59 of the file in the version I was using.
const char *szBLENames[] = {(char *)"MPT-II",
It works a treat. The library is very comprehensive. It can do different sized text, barcodes and even print images. The next thing to for me do is to get an ESP-32 device with a camera and discover how to get images off it. However, if you have Arduino app which you just want to use with a printer this is a very self-contained, cheap and portable way to do it.