Playing Cosmic Frog
/Derek and Maggy about to do something devious with their green frog..
So tonight we had our weekly games night. We played that game where you control a two mile high frog that can eat the landscape and regurgitate it. You know the one.
Or perhaps you don’t. Cosmic Frog is a game of strategy and combat that, once you get your head around the mechanism, works well. You use your frog to collect lumps of land which you then arrange in configurations that will earn you points at the end of the game. Other frogs are of course doing the same thing, and might also also decide to challenge you to a battle where you might get knocked off the board for a while and be forced to watch other players pick over your carefully curated terrain.
There are lots of special powers that you can pick up and use if you remember to reveal that you have them. And over time the landscape reduces and the game can come to quite sudden end.
The turn order is random which adds a bit of tension at the expense of you not being able to plan too much because you never know when you’ll be able to make the moves.
To me the measure of a good game is one I want to have another try at because I want to see if I can play it better next time. Cosmic Frog just about passes this test. It’s available for free on TableTop Simulator and I reckon it is worth a go if you are looking for new experiences for your game nights.