Bring back good stuff: Humax PVR

By rights the personal video recorder should be a dead device. It was in our house for a few months. I had thought that the rise of streaming services would remove the need for you to own a device that records programmes off air. I was wrong though. The FreeView user interface on our TV is not just bad, I think it is actively hostile. Finding programmes on the different platforms is uniformly horrible. The iplayer site deserves a special mention here, in that it seems able to work out exactly what I want to watch and then hide it.

In contrast the YouView programme guide is a masterpiece of simple design. You just scroll back into the past and get the programmes that you have told it to record for you. And you can skip past the adverts.

So today I went up into the loft, found the required shiny box and plumbed it back into our system downstairs. It’s a very old device, but I don’t think it has been bettered.