Low Power Cube Problems
/After the euphoria of getting my Heltec Cube Sensor transmitting data over the weekend I thought I’d take a look at the low power capabilities of the processor. I want to drop the power consumption of our sensor down to tiny levels so that it can run for a very long time on batteries. The device is billed as having a power consumption that drops to micro-amps when in “sleep” mode, and I was keen to try this out.
It was a rather fraught business. Firstly the power consumption never seems to drop below around 20 milliamps, even when in sleep mode. Secondly (and rather annoyingly) when the device wakes up from sleep some of the internal processes don’t seem to work properly - notably the millisecond timer. This might be down to my code though.
The device is very new and definitely a work in progress. I’m hoping that going forwards I can work out what is going on and properly realise its potential.