Adventures in Data Entry

“Just type in the EID number of your device” said chap at the other end of the support chat. “It’s the 32 digit number that you can get from the About page” he added helpfully.

No worries then.

Maybe it’s my advanced age, but I really hate typing in great big numbers like this. Particularly where the consequences of getting it wrong are that nothing will work. So, I came up with a solution:

  1. Take picture of the About page on your phone and crop out just the digits in the image.

  2. Transfer it to your PC.

  3. Drop into an empty Word document as an image.

  4. Set the image to be behind the text.

  5. Then type the digits on top of the numbers in the image until it looks right (see above).

  6. Then cut the completed text out of the document and paste it into the chat window.

Worked for me.