Rob at the Windows 10 Celebration Event in London

Paul has invited me down to the Windows 10 celebration event in London on the 29th next week. I'm really flattered to be asked. I'll be helping with some embedded stuff, running Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi devices.

I'm a Microsoft MVP, so you'd expect me to like Windows 10. But I really do. I've had it on my of my older Surface devices for a while and I've watched it "grow up" over the successive releases.

To be honest, I've always found Windows 8.1 to be pretty good, but Windows 10 is even better. It boots really fast, works with all my Windows applications and has some nice extra features. And the new browser really points towards the future.

The event is at Old BillingsGate Market on Wednesday evening.  Looking forward to it.  If you are coming along, seek me out. I'll be in the iot part of the event.