Festival of Daring and Excitement 2015

Playing Masquerade

Playing Masquerade

We had our "Festival of Daring and Excitement" today in the department. We do this on the Saturday at the end of the first week so that folks have something to do on the first day of their weekend away from home. In fact we do this so early in the session that not all the electronic locks on the campus have been updated with new student cards so that getting into there building to take part was more than a chore that it should have been. But thanks to everyone who came along. Lots of fun was had.

We had some silly multi-player games, a Super Smash Brothers Tournament with proper prizes (thanks for organising that folks), an Xbox One network from the lovely people at Platform Expo and some crazy Japanese arcade games (which quite took me back to my days in Tokyo).

I took a few pictures, as you do..

Getting Started

Getting Started

Prizes worth winning

Prizes worth winning

Worthy Winners

Worthy Winners

A few drinks and nibbles...

A few drinks and nibbles...

Grabbing the food

Grabbing the food

The last piece...... We got through 27 pizzas in all.

The last piece...... We got through 27 pizzas in all.

We all had a great time. I  set up a second "board game group" and we played Masquerade, Coup and Cash and Guns.

Then at 5:00pm it was all over and it was time to tidy up.

If you enjoyed the event, we'll be doing something similar around Christmas.