Travel Writing from Somewhere

We are heading off on our "proper" holiday of the year today. Not that we have had improper ones earlier, it's just that this is the one that involves the use of a passport.

This departure put something of a strain on our aging frames, in that we haven't had much time to recover from the London trip yesterday before heading off to foreign parts, but I've decided that if I'm going to go of anything, it is going to be from having too much fun. 

The destination of our trip was carefully chosen by the use of Expedia and a pin, and there was actually quite a bit of confusion about just which countries we were actually going to visit.

Hopefully the handy map should give you a good idea of where we are headed. 

Just the kind of things you want to find in your room when you arrive. 

Since I've hardly done any, I thought I'd spend the week brushing up on my travel writing skills. So stay tuned for a bunch of reports from your intrepid reporter.