Degree Day

This is the first ceremony

This is the first ceremony

I helped to run a couple of degree ceremonies today in City Hall in the middle of town. I've not done any summer ceremonies for a while, as I've usually been off doing Imagine Cup things when they take place. But they are great fun. And I really wanted to try my new fish eye lens, to see if I could get a picture of everyone in the audience. I reckon it pretty much worked, as you can see above.

Sheridan look v. pleased, as well she might be.

Sheridan look v. pleased, as well she might be.

For the first ceremony we had Sheridan Smith as an honorary graduand, and she was great. 

The second ceremony was very dear to my heart, since lot of the graduands were students who I had taught during their time at the university. It is really, really, great to see them all dressed up and ready for the big wide world.

I'm strongly of the opinion that it is the students that make a university. And we seem to get the best at Hull

Class of 2014

Class of 2014

If you want to get hold of larger copies of the images, simply click through to their Flickr pages.