Cheque Mate. And Open Day

I was in the bank paying in a cheque  this morning. Ages ago I wrote some stuff about Learning to Program a PIC in C and last week I got what will probably be the last royalty payment as the plan is to open up the content and make it freely available. I'll let you all know when it is released.

Anyhoo I was stood at the machine and looking baffled, as only I can do, and this nice assistant ended up having to come over and point out that the "Payments and Transfers" button was the one you press to pay a cheque in.  Which I found most confusing. Why can't it just be have "PAY IN A CHEQUE" written on it in large friendly letters.

I was thinking about this before I did my talk to the Open Day crowd. They were expecting to hear from someone who is versed in the latest technology and able to bend all machines to his will. Oh well.