Finished Marking

We finished marking the First Year ACW today. It's been four long days of sitting down and asking the question "So, does it work?". Many thanks to Mike, Kevin, David, Simon and Septavera for rising to the challenge and getting everyone marked in good time. Now I've got to go through 190 or so of the mark sheets, normalise them and put them on eBridge with the comments transcribed.

It is always interesting looking at programs from people who are learning to code. What struck me this time was that as they were writing the software students were improving their style. So parts of the program would be rather messy constructions and the later bits would be tidier. 

This year we had some stunning submissions. XNA is great platform for making sprite based games but it is really hard to implement a turn based board game using it. But quite a few students had risen to the challenge and we had marks in the high nineties and one or two 100%s being awarded.

I'm rather looking forward to marking the work in the second semester.