New C# Yellow Book Available - and on Kindle

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The latest version of the C# Yellow Book is now available to download from here. There are a few fixes of typos and I've added some new content about array initialization.  But you'll be pleased to hear that the jokes are all exactly the same....

This is the "Rubber Duck" edition. The next one will have something else yellow on the cover. Probably custard.

My New Year Resolution this year is to finish things off that I've started, and with this in mind I spent some time last week preparing a Kindle version of the text. This is largely in response to some enterprising soul who has taken my PDF file and created a rather poor quality version of the text which is on sale at the moment. 

My version has all the diagrams and text and although I'm not completely happy with the format it is perfectly usable. You can download it from here.  Unfortunately it is not free, but it is well worth the nominal cost.