Sign up for Global Gamejam Hull. Now.


If you liked Three Thing Game you will love, love, love, Global GameJam Hull.  You get more time, bigger teams, a chance to work with game creators from other disciplines and institutions. You get to participate in a world wide event. And, of course, you get pizza.  

We held the first one in Hull  last year and it was an amazing success. It takes place at Hull Studio School in the city centre. You can work for the entire 48 hours or you can sneak home for some sleep. Or you can bring a bed and camp out. We don't mind. We just want you to have fun making games. The Spooky Elephant Collective will e there taking part. along with game developers from around the region. 

The fun starts on Friday 24th of January, when the worldwide theme for the Global Gamejam is announced. Then you have around 48 hours to make your own interpretation of the theme, ready for judging on Sunday 26th. 

If you are serious about writing games you should be there too. Registration costs a fiver and you can do it here. Frankly, you'd be bonkers not to...