Grand Finale Three Thing Game and Bash


A couple of dates for your diaries. May 30th and May 31st. These are when we are doing our Grand Finale events for the year. On May 30th we will be starting a Three Thing Game and having a Summer Bash. Hull students can take part in either, or both. Tickets for the Bash, with the usual menu of video games, wordsearch, pop and pizza, will go on sale soon. And we will also be registering teams for the Three Thing Game. The timetable is tight, we are only able to run the events after all the exams have finished, and we want to make sure that if you are heading home at the weekend you can still take part.

We will be holding the thing auction at lunchtime on Thursday 30th of May. Teams will build their games on Thursday and Friday with the judging and awards on Friday afternoon. There will be a break for bash activities on Thursday evening. We’ve got Boss Alien, a game company based in Brighton, coming up to take part and help with the judging, and there will be the usual selection of awesome prizes and Lego.

I’ll be kicking things off on Thursday, but then I have to head out to New Orleans and TechEd US on Friday. I’ll be leaving everything in the capable hands of Simon, Martin, David and the rest of the team. In fact, there might even be a staff team in this TTG. I’m only sorry that I can’t take part in it.