Olympic Tennis at Wimbledon


We were lucky enough to snag some tickets for the tennis at the Olympics. This was held at Wimbledon, somewhere I’ve always fancied going to. So off we went. The trip across London was actually quite boring. After a media filled with dire warnings of travel chaos it was rather nice to just get on a sequence of trains and get there exactly on time.


The first match we saw was a ladies singles first round match and then we moved on to the highlight of the day for me, a second round match with Roger Federer.


Then, after a third match we headed for home.

There has been a lot of nattering about how London will have problems staging the Olympics and how the organisation and the infrastructure will not cope. This is rubbish. All the stops on the Tube were well highlighted and the trains were busy but very tolerable. They had folks lining the route from the station to the venue. The security check just took a few minutes and very person we saw, from the first chap at the traffic lights on the walk to Wimbledon to the cashier taking our money in the well organised souvenir shop, was polite and upbeat, asking if we had a good time and wishing us well. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. With a bit of luck we’ll make it to some Paralympics events in September too.