Tech Days Belgium


Another country, another audience…

Today it was up bright and early to fly to the Netherlands and take a train to Belgium for my sessions at TechDays. I’m giving sessions on Windows Phone and Kinect. I always wonder just why I do this kind of thing, particularly when I’m sat on a train watching unfamiliar countryside whizz past in the rain. Then the session starts and I remember why. Great fun. Great audience and a good response from all. I promised I’d put the slides and content on the interwebs and so here it is. Remember, if you make a fortune from anything based on it I’m in for 10%. It’s only fair…

Techdays Setup

This was my setup for the talk.

The only snag was that when I got back to the hotel I found that they’d run out of numbers for access to the hotel WIFI. Apparently a new system is being installed tomorrow and at the moment they have no network access. So this post is being made from the future.