Nokia Windows Phone Jump Start Paris

Andy, Gregg and myself have just had a great day talking Windows Phone. DSCF3291   DSCF3292

Hi to the audience, great job folks


This was on at the same time in the conference centre. I was able to use the line “It’s not Rocket Science. That’s next door….” I said I’d put links to the content we described. You can get all the content, slide decks and more, from the Jumpstart web site here:

The ones you want are:

01 Mango Building Phone Apps
02 Mango Intro Silverlight
03 Mango Advanced Silverlight
05 Mango FastApp Switching
11 Mango XNA Winphone
12 Mango Selling applications

There are also other decks and samples you might find interesting. If you want to watch videos of Andy and myself delivering this content (and who wouldn’t) then you can find them on Channel 9 here:

After the sessions we went up the tower. Used the stairs. Cheaper and no queues. Great fun


More tomorrow. Looking forward to it.