Rob and the Cube

Robs Cube

I wasn’t looking to buy a new car. I never am. Particularly after just having had the current one serviced. But they had some Cubes at the Nissan dealership and I just had to go and have a look. And I think the Cube looks great. (Although opinions differ).

Inside it is a bit like driving a conservatory and I don’t think it will win any speed races. But I really like it. My definition of great car is “A vehicle that transports a really good SatNav and sound system around, along with space for gadgets”. The Cube does all that.  And it has a rear view camera. In colour. The plan is for some trickle down action, with number one wife getting my car so every body wins.

If you are looking to by something mini-MPV’ish with a really distinctive style (the only car I’ve ever owned that I would probably be able to draw a recognisable picture of) then there are some amazing deals on the Cube at the moment.