Hull Digital Question Time


The view from the audience, from left to right Jon Moss in the chair, Imran Ali, Helen Philpot and Prof. Calie Pistorius, VC of Hull University.

I’ve just been to something really, really good. With free drinks at the end. Hull Digital Question Time was set up by Jon Moss and brought together a panel of experts to discuss the future of digital technology. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the combination of interesting questions, a range of expertise from the panel and sensible debate from the audience made for a fascinating evening.  And then we all went to the bar..

I think the event has been filmed and it would make an absolutely great podcast, so with a bit of luck it will turn up in a downloadable form at some point in the future. In the meantime, if you get the chance to go to any events like this in the future (and I’ve already asked for another one) then you should jump at it.

One more thing, Jon told us that the date for the next Hull Digital Live event has been set. It is the 4th of November this year. Note it in your diary.