Tech Ed Deck Frenzy

Spent today working on my presentations for Tech Ed 2010. In exactly a week I’m going to be out in Berlin getting ready for the conference. I’m giving two sessions this year:

Wed. 10th November WPH307 – “Building Windows Phone Games with Microsoft XNA and Visual Studio 2010” at 12:00 pm in Hall 7.1b London 2

Thu. 11th November WPH310 – “Giving your Windows Phone XNA Games Plenty of Whizz and Bang” in Hall 7.3b Europa 1

I’m going in demo heavy for this one, with loads of stuff to show what you can do with Windows Phone and XNA. All the demo programs will be available for download so that you can download them and submit them to Marketplace learn how to write your own great games from them.

Should be fun. If you are going along to Berlin it would be great if you could drop by and say hi.