Finals Time

Today we did the final presentations. For me that meant sitting with the distinguished judges and watching six presentations, and then coming up with the top three. Before I did that I thought I’d watch some of the other finals, starting with Game Development. They have set up mini-studios and are projecting the presentations into halls around the complex.


This is the UK team beginning their presentation. Good job guys.

In the afternoon it was me and the other judges in the mini-studio, and an assembled multitude outside hearing me ask my, hopefully not stupid, questions. After that it was time for judgely deliberations.


Posh food in the judges room.

After that it was a walk back to the room to get ready for the evening meal.


How not to photograph a mirror.

The meal was at the top floor of the shopping centre next door, which is huge.


Sitting down together.

You could also go outside to take in the views of the city at night.


This is part of the hotel complex.

Then it was home for an early night. Tomorrow we are leaving at 7:30 am for the pyramids, and I don’t want to miss that.