Happy Birthday Me

Another year older and deeper in debt. As the saying goes. But at least I got to go to Alton Towers. (being the birthday boy and also the driver means that you do get some privileges it seems).

I’m not a big fan of big rides, I just like the attention to detail and the general atmosphere of these places. Of course Disney do it best, but Universal Studio and Alton run them a close second. Alton Towers doesn’t have a huge stable of TV and film back story to beef up its act, but it more than makes up for this with fantastic grounds around the park itself.


A good place to be

We had a great time. I went on some of the less demanding rides and the weather was kind to us. What more can you ask?

Oh and many thanks to the people who flocked to my FaceBook page and wished me all the best. It almost makes me wish I posted stuff on there. Perhaps I will one day, just before it goes out of fashion…