Graduation Day Fun

Some bits of my job I love. One of them is helping with degree congregations. I do the warm up talk at the start and then get the graduands down from the hall for their moments of glory. Today it was my turn to help run the science and medical ceremonies. I took the big camera.


The flowers on the stage were looking good.


These were the science graduands. Sorry if it is a bit blurred, the lighting was not good. But you might be able to find yourself in there....


These were the medics. Again, hard to take pictures but I did my best.


After the ceremony they took a special picture of all the graduates from the Hull-York Medical School, which has just graduated its first cohort of doctors. This was a truly momentous moment for the university, which we are all very proud of. Hearing them all state their oaths during the ceremony was just fantastic.

It was a great day, but boy was it hot in all my suit and robes.