C# in the Pink

We've just got the latest batch of C# books back. We get literally hundreds printed each year. One batch gets given to our new First Year students (the book is the basis of our programming course) and the rest we give out to people who come to see us on admissions days and anybody else who asks for one.

Each time we get them printed we change the colour of the cover. A couple of years ago it was green, last year it was yellow. Someone suggested that lilac would be a nice colour this year, and so that is what we went for. The books look a bit pink. I still think they are lilac, but opinions differ on this.

Actually, I'm not that good where colour is concerned. I bought a bright red watch that I didn't think was a bit girly (I have this thing about watches that I'm getting slightly worried about. Nothing expensive, but I must have around 20 or so now.) Whilst the assistant was taking my money she rather spoiled things by offering to enclose a special gift receipt in the box "In case she wants to take it back".

Somehow, after that, it just doesn't feel the same to wear it.