The Power of W

I'd never heard of W hotels before I came to Korea. I have now. This place is amazing. I could (and probably will) devote an entire post to my room. I've no idea how I managed to merit such lavish accommodation, but since it will probably never happen again, I'm making the most of it.


On the way to breakfast you pass this "wooden video wall". A camera in the middle grabs a video frame which is then used to orient thousands of little wooden blocks to show the picture. It does work, and the blocks make a super trickling noise as people walk past and the picture changes. I want to build one.


This is the view from the hotel restaurant. I suspect it looks even better by night. Say hello to Dennis and Nannette.


These are made of logs which have been sliced and fitted together to make art. Amazing.


Sometimes it feels like you've strayed onto the set of a sixties spy movie.


The lift has these amazing hanging lights. They are red when you are going down....


...and green when you are going up.

I'm sure I could get tired of living here. Maybe in 100 years.