PS3 Download Content Works

So it was up with the lark (in a manner of speaking) and onto the PS3 to see if the games had arrived.  And they had. And they all work well.

Tekken is Tekken, looking much better now than it did in San Francisco. For the price it is very good value. It is obviously not a next-gen game, there are some graphical issues which mark it as a kind of PS2.5 release, but for the price it is darned fine value and should satisfy my need for a fighting game until something less demanding than Virtua Fighter comes along.

Flow is weird. You guide a strange creature around by tipping the gamepad in the desired direction. You eat food, you get bigger and other things try to eat you. Quite mesmeric for a while, but with an attention span like mine I'm not sure it will get a lot of play. Then again, for less than the price of a packet of cigarettes it is OK.

Lemmings is a blast of old school fun. I played this one a lot on the Amiga, and was worried that the absence of the mouse would make it tricky. However, the game has been slightly altered for gamepad navigation and I must admit it works well. And they still make that nice sound when they die.