Ending Up

Nice view after we had seen 300

Well, the conference has finished. I just thought I'd put down in words what I've managed to learn from my time in out here, at the various sessions and on the exhibition floor:

  • Sony are starting to do some sensible things with the PS/3. I hope it is in time.
  • Community is the new buzzword for everything. That and getting your wife to play computer games (I'm looking forward to that one)
  • Writing a shader is actually quite easy. (especially if you just fill in the blanks in a Microsoft lab)
  • The Nintendo Wii controller is just as hard to program with as I thought it would be. Probably more so.
  • XNA Express is even better than I thought. The tutorial on it was a model of clarity and fun.
  • The Motion LS800 is a truly wonderful portable computer (I plan to write a whole item about this lovely device)
  • Computer games writers take incredible pride in their work, and the games that you take for granted contain huge amounts of technical ability, imagination and passion. You think there is passion in a Ferrari? Take a look at something like Motorstorm, or Gears of War. These people love their work and it shows when you hear them talk about it.
  • Computer games should be taken at least as seriously as other media fields such as TV and film.
  • The film "300" sucks.
  • San Francisco might be my favourite place on earth. Maybe even better than Hull (although the bridge is a bit smaller).

And with those profound thoughts floating out there into the ether, time for the Friday photos.


We didn't bother with steak in the end

..'cos Lori's had pinball

I just love this back screen. The rightmost zero is just stuck in there to make all the scores seem bigger...