
After a very smooth journey down the Reading the Hull team bus arrived at the hotel. There is a tradition that on the eve of the Imagine Cup finals Microsoft run a quiz for all the teams as part of the entertainments. So, after a Korean-themed meal we all sat down and had our brains stretched.

We had to draw pictures of each other. I think he caught my best side.

I think Tom knows the answer. But is it the right question?

One of the tables we beat...

One of the other tables we beat....

Branded Chocolate....

As last year, I had taken the rather cunning precaution of choosing the table with all the clever people on, and so we just managed to run out joint winners. The prize, a couple of Cube People, will keep me amused for a while.

Tomorrow the fun really starts, when the gloves come off and we all compete to find the UK Imagine Cup winners.