I'm Bored with the Cold

Enough. I'm tired of being cold. We haven't had any snow yet. Just cold. It's all part of my economy drive, where I turn off all the heating until just before we get back from work. The result is that the house is freezing for the first few hours of the evening. Then the heating goes off for the night and we get cold again. Fortunately British Gas (or "evil profiteers" as they should more properly known) have decided that their prices (raised around 50% last year) are indefensible and will be shaving some small numbers off the cost of heating for me, so I can have around an extra 15 minutes of warmth a night.

I've turned on all the computers in the room to try and heat things up a bit. It is coming to something when you are reduced to warming your hands on a Tablet PC. I've given all the machines something hard to do, to try and get the heat output up....