Take one Toshiba M400 laptop running Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Carefully image the M400 disk using Paragon Drive Backup 6.0 onto two separate external disks.
Carefully copy all the document files onto further external disks, so that you have plenty of copies of all the important stuff.
Install Windows Vista onto Toshiba M400, wiping hard disk in process.
Remember some crucial files that are not in the document directories you copied onto external drives, but hey, I've got a drive image backup so no problem.
Fail to find the Paragon Drive Image program CD.
Rob Miles is technology author and educator who spent many years as a lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Hull. He is also a Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP. He is into technology, teaching and photography. He is the author of the World Famous C# Yellow Book and almost as handsome as he thinks he is.
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