Cheap, Great XBOX 360 Game

If you are in the UK, and are in the market for a good XBOX 360 game for less than 13 quid, toddle down to HMV and pick up a copy of Amped3 which is in their sale at the moment.

It is a snowboarding game. And a very good one. Some games feel kind of churned out. But with Amped3 I got the feeling that the development team really enjoyed themselves. A lot. They have taken the "silly" control and turned it all the way up to 11. Oh, there is lots of good snow. And very pretty mountains. And lots of things to do. And a nicely judged difficulty curve. But the thing that really does it for me most of all is the quality of the cut scenes and the challenges. These are just bonkers. I've only seen two, but the first one, "Wienerland", is worth the price of the game alone, and I'm definitely going to work my way through the rest of them, just to see what they are like.

If I had paid fully price for this game I would not have been dissapointed. I only didn't get it because I'm not mad about snowboarding games particularly. However, I am well happy if they are as mad as this one.

And at the price, a steal.