
We had the first of our new season of open days today. If you came along, thanks for coming, it was nice to see you.

I did the opening talk and it seemed to go OK, then I sat down to run the little question and answer session afterwards. I was introducing our staff and I got to Helen Wright, one of our lecturers. As I was starting to announce her name to the group another part of my brain was thinking how terrible it would be if I forgot her surname. So I did. So she was introduced as "Helen, our Quality Officer". Forgetting the name of the person in charge of quality. Way to go Rob.

It is probably the kind of thing which is supposed to happen when you get old, but it has been happening to me for absolutely ages (which might mean I'm very old, but I'm putting it down as an endearing character trait of mine).

Anyhoo, I think it went OK apart from that slipup, and the name did come back to me, and I did apologise.

For me the best part was when all the parents of the candidates took over the Nintendo Wii system we have on loan and showed the young'uns how to play Tennis. Great fun.