Winding Up (or is it Down?)
/Last few pictures from the San Jose experience.

On Friday night we went to Fry's Electronics (seemed somehow appropriate). While we were waiting for the taxi back I snapped this. And I didn't buy that much really. Honest.

This is where I've been working all week. The dog is called Jake (you can just see him on the Smartphone screen).

Jon said he was not really trying to get T shirts from the stands. Yeah, right.

This is the offical vehicle of the San Jose Aviation Special Police. Please try to keep a straight face when you are being cuffed and stuffed.

On Friday night we went to Fry's Electronics (seemed somehow appropriate). While we were waiting for the taxi back I snapped this. And I didn't buy that much really. Honest.

This is where I've been working all week. The dog is called Jake (you can just see him on the Smartphone screen).

Jon said he was not really trying to get T shirts from the stands. Yeah, right.

This is the offical vehicle of the San Jose Aviation Special Police. Please try to keep a straight face when you are being cuffed and stuffed.