Lecture Flyer Released
/The all new flyer for the lecture is now here. I’m looking forward to the event. Which is probably more than audience is….
Rob Miles on the web. Also available in Real Life (tm)
The all new flyer for the lecture is now here. I’m looking forward to the event. Which is probably more than audience is….
Of course I’m doing one of my world famous (in my world) Lectures in Rhyme. These go back over thirty years, to a time when I actually did deliver lectures for a living. You can find out what I’ve been up to in the past by taking a look at my archive here. This year I’m going to talk about something very close to my heart; the “Internet of Things. In fact I’m going to tell you how to make one of your own.
Do you want a light to flash red when someone goes near your stuff? Do you want a light to flash red when it is cold outside? Do you want a light to flash red when you’re late for your bus? What is it with you and red lights?
Anyhoo, in this poetic and technical lecture I’ll tell you how to do all these things, and also how to put your name in lights (as long as your name is Rob, David, Imogen, Mary or “Red Nose Day 2021”). You’ll also discover how to make connected objects that can move things, light up, detect a person, tell you the time and do something when you press a button or turn a knob. And you can’t say fairer than that.
The lecture will be on the 19th of March at 7:00 GMT on the Internets. And there will be slide decks, a recording and probably a T shirt.
Keep coming back here to find out more about how its going to work and how you can get involved.
For 2021 I’ve updated my Tags Of Fun so that they have mystery squares and circles on the bottom. I’m going to be printing off the tags and selling them to anyone who comes into “selling range”. If you’ve got a 3D printer you might like to make and sell some for yourself. Every tag is software generated and I can make you designs that are unique in the universe. Unless you print two.
You can play silly games with your tags or you can just collect the different colours and use them to liven up your keyring. You can find the design for the “starter kit” of tags here. If you want your own completely unique set of tags, let me know in a comment on this post and I’ll generate a set of 16 just for you. For a donation of course.
Talking of donations, you can give me money here.
Rob Miles is technology author and educator who spent many years as a lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Hull. He is also a Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP. He is into technology, teaching and photography. He is the author of the World Famous C# Yellow Book and almost as handsome as he thinks he is.
A proper developer conference in Hull. Find out more here.