MVP Summit and Fish Throwing

This evening the MVP summit started with the opening keynote. Before the session started they were showing things about MVPs of note. And for some reason my name came up on the big screen.


As you all know I am very vain, and so I pulled out my camera and grabbed a picture. If you look very carefully at the middle screen you can see my name… 4367878083

The session ended with some fish throwing. As well it should. Then we went on for some free food, including hand thrown salmon, and discussion with fellow MVPs.

The agenda looks very interesting.

Bellevue Mist

The long range weather forecast for this week was rain. Thank heavens it was long range. And wrong. Today started really misty, in a fantastically photogenic way.


It must be like being up in the clouds in those buildings at the top.

We found this place that did great pancakes, and nearly failed to eat all of them. They had a great set of posters advertising upcoming events in Bellevue.


Hmmm. I’ve missed the bicycle conference.

Then we grabbed a car and went for a drive.


View over the lake


Highway and sky


Mountain, truck and sky

We went out to the mall and I bought another robot. A friend for Jason.

The summit proper starts tomorrow. I’m hoping to find out a bit more about Windows Phone 7 which was announced today. It looks really good. It is definitely going on the “want one” list.

Hello from Bellevue

Well, after a boring (but in a very good way) journey I’m now in Bellevue, where the conference is based this year. The whole setup is very nice, with a king sized bed in the room.  I wonder if they measured it up against a real king?

Anyhoo, it is a very nice bed, although of course my body wants to use it at all the wrong times. I may have to do some “Jetlag coding” to get around this. The hotel is linked to a big shopping centre (how useful)

Bellevue Glass


On the way to the mall I saw this really fancy glass sculpture thing.

Bellvue Centre

Bellevue centre (or should that be center)

Hull Students on the Road

Hull Students at Codemasters

Earlier this week a bunch of our students went off on a road trip to visit some game companies, including Black Rock and CodeMasters. 

These are students on our game development courses, and it will be interesting for them because they will be meeting up with ex-Hull students who now work in the game development business.

I’ve just received this picture back from Alexander, along with a bunch of others. It looks like things are going well..

TechEd and Mauerfall 2009

TechEd started today. I went to  a very good session on Windows Azure first thing. Then I had to go off and sort out some presentation related bits and bobs, which was a bit of a pain as there were a couple of other sessions I wanted to see. However, once the day’s work was done we headed off the the Brandenburg gate to see the Mauerfall event.

This was a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall by the toppling of an enormous row of domino-like blocks that stretched for over a kilometre. They had all kinds of heads of state there, a full orchestra and a live appearance by Bon Jovi.


The inside of the station


The outside of the station


A nice view across the river


On the way to the gate


Waiting by the wall

We found a good spot near the food and drink stands and began to wait. And it started to rain. And rain. After two hours in the rain I found that most of the things I had with me that I thought were waterproof, like my coat and shoes, were not. After three hours in the rain everything was wet. After four hours everything was wet and very cold.  And then it started, We had speeches from the great and the good, music, and the blocks duly fell on cue. It was a great evening, even though I have never been so cold and wet.

Out and About in Berlin

Today we wandered over to the TechEd Conference centre to register.4092686828

This is the front of the centre. Very big. However, the most surprising thing was the sheer scale of everything around this part of Berlin. It must be the conference centre of Europe. All around there are enormous halls set out for these kind of sessions.

Next we ventured into uptown Berlin again. Peter wanted to climb to the top of the Bundestag. So we did.


On the way we took in the Sony Centre, which is absolutely huge.


On top of the Bundestag they have this amazing glass dome with mirrors inside that reflect down onto the parliament below.  Very impressive.


This is the view from the top of the Bundestag at the blocks they are assembling as part of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the end of the Berlin wall.

Tomorrow the conference itself starts properly.

Heading for Berlin

Today I was up at 3:00 am. Not that I’m complaining that much, after all we are going to Berlin for TechEd 2009. We had a nice shiny hire care to drive to Liverpool airport where we would board one of the few direct flights to Berlin. Once we had arrived and unpacked it was time for a stroll. Of course I took the camera.


The Russian Embassy


Brandenburg Gate


I love the colours of the stone in this light.


Nice buildings at night.

I’ve put some more pictures on Flickr. I think we are going to like it here..

London Trip

Off to London today. In a brand new train. So new they didn’t have any  cups to dish out the free coffee for the posh people in First Class. Heh heh.


Millennium Bridge Handrail


View from Tate Modern.

We went off to Foyles, best bookshop in the world:


The bad news is that the Computer part of the shop is now the Cookery part of the shop. Then again, perhaps more people need to eat than need to write programs…

The good news is that they had three copies of my book. Go me!

Ocean in Motion in Whitby

We took a day off today to celebrate a birthday in Whitby, in the best possible fashion with a meal at the Magpie cafe. The cafe even got a mention in one of the push food reviews recently, and it seemed they liked the food there as much as we do. Which is nice.

The weather was a bit grey, and tide was definitely in. The boat trips around the bay were specially discounted, and seeing just how much the boats were going up and down, it is not actually an experience I’d pay for.


Hardy Souls only

Warwick Castle

Warwick Castle is ace.  Having great weather probably helped, but the place was pretty cool too.


View from the top


Castle and Mill


Ballista power.

The two big round things on each side take a person each, who walk inside them to lift up a four ton weight that is used to propel the payload a heck of a distance. If someone rocks up outside your castle with one of these you should really let them in, because in the end they are coming in whether you like it or not…

Scarborough Sea Battles

We went off today for a day trip to Scarborough. They say that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” and I’m starting from a fairly dull base, and so we went off for some fun and games. Took the big camera.


Scarborough Seaside


Posh Hotel


Artistic Nets


Sea Battle

They have this thing where they re-enact naval battles in a boating lake. No, really. Number one daughter didn’t believe me either, until I took her along. Great fun.


If you look carefully you can see that there is actually a man in the ship..


I’ve been told that however much you prepare for the experience, seeing the pyramids for the first time will blow you away. And it does.


The first glimpse

They really are impressive. Close up they are beyond huge, and when you reflect who made them, and how, you just get even more impressed.


Not small


The key is 52 degrees apparently. Anything else falls down.


Antiquities Police


Obligatory tourist shot