Adventures in 3D Printing #3: Panic Button

For reasons I can't quite explain, I fancied making a large, red, network-enabled "Panic Button". The idea is that if anything bad happens on the internets the button will flash red and I can then press the button to restore peace and harmony to cyberspace.  Or something. 

I'm going to pop a Photon device in there and then hook it up to If This Then That so that I can get it to signal simple messages. I've designed the box (curved corners and bevelled edges) and printed one out in yellow. I'm going to add some black tape to make it look properly panicky. 

Adventures in 3D Printing #2: Jack

Number one son reckoned I should have a go at printing the screw jack above, so I did. The intriguing thing about this design is that the entire object is printed as one, standing on its edge. There are some fairly prodigious unsupported elements in the design (you can see how the bar at the bottom left of the picture has some bowing at the bottom as it sagged during print) but to my amazement it printed mostly OK.

The only major problem was that I broke the knob off the screw thread in the middle when I was trying to "un-stick" it from the elements around it.  However, the designers have thought of this and provided the design file for just this component so you can re-print it.

The jack does work; you can raise and lower it using the screw. I've not got a use for the jack as such (although it makes a fine support for the robot printing arm when I'm not using that). If you've got a few hours to spare and fancy a challenge I'd advise you to have a go. Great fun and amazing to think that such a complicated device was made as one thing.

Adventures in 3D Printing #1: Tape Dispenser

I don't know what you think Christmas is the season for, but I reckon it is 3D printing. Plenty of time at home to keep an eye on the printer, and maybe even useful things to print. This is a tape dispenser that I thought might be useful for wrapping presents.

It works quite well, as long as you remember that the nut that holds on the roll of tape is screwed on with a left hand thread. If you forget this, as I did, you'll actually destroy your first print by trying really, really hard to "loosen" the nut. I got it to work but then I discovered this little gadget from Sellotape. 

You attach it to the knuckles of your left hand and you can just get tape as you wrap. It worked really well for me (I have slender and artistic hands - of course) although some of the reviews are less complimentary. Worth a look though I reckon.  

Star Wars - the Force Awakens

Went to see the new Star Wars movie today. Instant opinion? If you like Star Wars you'll love the new movie.  

A fear of giving away spoilers means that I can't really say just how many elements of the original film have been crammed into the new one.  But it really is pretty much all of them. But not in a bad way. And we can't really complain about this. James Bond films have been recycling the same plots for much longer than Star Wars. 

Robot Drawing

...message delivered...

...message delivered...

I've finally got my message printed. The kit I'm using is the mDrawbot. You get the parts and instructions for four different drawing machines. The one I was playing with yesterday was a drawing turtle. Today I've switched to a robot drawing arm, which works a lot more reliably. There is also an "eggbot" for drawing on eggs and a dangling string based one that lets you draw huge pictures on an easel.

The kit is part of the MakeBlock family which are based on sturdy aluminium parts which you bolt together. It reminds me of Meccano of old, but with much stronger elements that you could use as the basis of proper devices.  You can even get a laser attachment for the plotter that you can use in place of a pen to perform laser engraving and cut thin paper.

Taking a look at the Photon

The Photon is a neat little embedded device a bit like the Electric Imp I played with a while back, but  a bit cheaper to get started with. You write C code in your browser and the program is deployed over WiFi to the device. The hardware is very like the Arduino. The programs can communicate via the cloud using web requests and there are also bindings for If This Then That.

To be honest, I've not done much with it, but number one son has had a play and things it's quite neat. The only concern I have with these systems is that you are a bit dependent on the cloud backend. I've got a collection of cloud enabled devices that are now just paperweights, and I worry that things like the Photon might go the same way. Having said that though, for the price it is a lot of fun. 

Robot Visitor

Baxter the robot came to see us today. He's an interesting fellow. Vaguely humanoid, with a flat screen display that can show a pair of peering eyes and resiliently driven arms that mean he can work alongside humans without inadvertently knocking off heads, poking out eyes etc. 

We had a great demo of what he can do, which turns out to be rather a lot. We are looking at involving him in some future research, it would be great if we could get him on the staff at some point. 

I'm thinking robot lecturer. Oh yes. 

What use is an old, cheap lens?

I've been playing with old lenses on my camera for a few weeks now. And yesterday I spent a massive 19 pounds on another one. This is an elderly, but still excellent, Canon zoom lens, probably from the 1980's. It has that lovely zoom action where you pull the barrel towards you to zoom in. One of the things that a long focal length lens will do for you is compress perspective, flatting everything together. You can see the effect at work above, where the church, which is actually quite a lot further away than the other items in the picture, looks a lot more prominent in this picture of Cottingham lights. Great fun. 

The lens also took a pretty good picture of part of our tree. 

Global Game Jam Hull - Registration Site now Live

Global Gamejam is awesome. Fact. If you're serious about game development, or just want to have a great time writing code and/or making things, then it is a great thing to get involved with. Iv'e been to a few in my time, and many years ago Simon and I helped organise the very first one in Hull. 

I'm pleased to be able to report that the next GameJam is at the end of January and Adam has got the registration site up. The event is running as part of Platform Expos 2016. For Hull students the timing is really nice, as it comes towards the end of the inter-semester gap week, so it won't affect your studies. Although it might help you get a job in the games industry if you do a really good entry. 

It can happen. 

Enter FameLab - I have

I've signed up for FameLab. I think you should too. Being able to handle yourself in front of an audience is a terribly useful skill. If you are going to start, it's best to start small. FameLab gives you three minutes to fill with something scientific that you feel passionate about. The Hull heat is on the third of February 2016 and you can find out more and sign up here

I'm going to speak about why Computer Science is the most important subject of all. Should be fun. 

Making Useful Software is Hard

Turns out that making useful software is surprisingly tricky. Take "Magic Marker", the program that we used last week to help out with the marking of the first year coursework. It was simple enough to write, it just finds the coursework from a archive downloaded from the university learning environment, sets up a spreadsheet for the marking process and then puts all the comments back into the correct format for upload. I made it last year and it worked fine. For me. 

This year I built it out a bit for use by five markers working in parallel. My plan was to slightly extend the program to merge back all the marked work. This turned out to be surprisingly tricky. Not because of the difficultly of the task, I had the code working in double quick time. The thing that caused the grief was that if you introduce more moving parts into a system the number of ways it can fail goes up exponentially.

This is something I've experienced before. It takes you ten minutes to code up the bit that does the work, and a day to cope with all the fiddly ways in which the program can go wrong. For example, at one point in the assessment process you have to copy the mark from the spreadsheet into the marking took. Of course I forgot to do this for a couple of folks and so my program got upset as a result. So I had to figure out how to mitigate this and then build it into the workflow. 

The good news is that having lots of students provides a great way to shake down the solution, and I now have a solution that will be useful going forwards. But this took a bit more coding than I expected. Remember, when you are writing code that the "Happy Path" will probably take you around 10-20% of the development time.  

When you are designing the workflow for a system you need to identify all the ways that it can go wrong and then specify what should happen in each. This is something that I tell everyone on the Systems Analysis course, and perhaps I should have followed my own advice a bit more at the start of this job. 

Tiny Christmas Bash

We had the smallest Christmas Bash ever this year. I think this was mostly due to poor planning on my part. Our bash clashed with an excellent, and very well attended, event organised by Hull ComSoc. 

Anyhoo, pizza, mince pies, crackers and fun was had. We played a bunch of silly games, including the awesome Masquerade, a newcomer called Two Rooms and a Boom (which is great fun). Exploding Kittens, Skull and the ever popular Coup

There was so much going on that we managed to overrun by an hour. More bashes next year. 

Fun and Games at the Black Marble Event

Some of the audience. And some of my toys...

Some of the audience. And some of my toys...

Black Marble are a great company. The do lots of splendid free events for software professionals. And, since they've booked a venue and sorted out all the logistics, they run sessions for schools and colleges at the same time. They get a bunch of speakers and we talk about technical and professional issues. I've been lucky enough to be invited to present a few times, in the past I've taken Una my 3D printer along, amongst other toys. 

Today I didn't really do a technical talk. Although we had some technology of course. I was more concerned with the business of making a name for yourself. My line on this is that advancing technology is replacing many of the jobs that we used to do. It seems to me that in the future you'll have to get used to changing what you do as machines get better and better at doing things that people do at the moment. This means that the only thing that will be constant during your career will be the brand that is you. I've gave lots of tips about building your brand; you can find the slide deck here.

During the talk I also touched on fun things that you can do including playing with the Arduino embeded device. I said I'd put some links to resources. The Arduino I'd recommend is a kit from Sintron which you can get from eBay. Just search for Arduino Sintron. It's around 25 pounds and really good value:

There are loads of resources on-line, once you've got the kit they send you a link to lots of them. There are some Arduino tutorials here that I wrote a while back.  You can get my C# Yellow Book here

I did my session twice, but I only remembered to take picture of one small part of the audience. Sorry about that. Anyhoo, thanks to Linda and Boss for setting up such a great event. Great fun.

I promised a panorama of the entire second sitting audience, here they are

I promised a panorama of the entire second sitting audience, here they are

If you are looking for Open Source projects to engage with you can take a look here

You can find Charlotte's Twitter feed here.

The Thrilling Adventures of Babbage and Lovelace is a Winner

One of my favourite books ever has won a prize. I blogged about it a while back and now it (or more properly the author, Sydney Padua) has won the British Society for the History of Mathematics 2015 Neuman Prize. Yay!

If you are into computing, history, maths or comics you should have this book. A perfect stocking filler for Christmas, if you are in the habit of wearing quite large, book sized, stockings. 

It really is a great book. In fact, I'm going off to have a read of my copy now. 



... at a secret rocket and cheese production facility in the North of England....

... I'm making special "Space Cheese Mining" marker awards for all the folks who helped out with the First Year marking this year. I'm going to give them to Kevin, David, Phininder, John, Bailin and Brian to say thanks for their assistance in giving all of our students a great assessment experience and some splendid feedback. Guys, I'll have them for you for Monday.